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How To Handle HOA Board Meeting Attacks

How To Handle HOA Board Meeting Attacks

Written By: Richard Thompson
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Out of the blue, an irate homeowner launches a smear campaign aimed directly at the board. Its >

Board meeting terrorism is designed to hold the board hostage to >How should the board deal with this kind of attack? When presented a list of demands, should the items be discussed point by point? Should they be recorded in the minutes? What should be done?

Rule 1: Never negotiate with terrorists. The board is not obligated to discuss anything off the agenda. And its unreasonable to expect informed answers to firing line questions. The response should be, "Thanks for making your points. Well review them and give you a response in writing or consider them at the next board meeting."

Rule 2: Dont record a list of demands. Minutes are intended to discuss in broad terms the business accomplished by the board. Specific motions should have enough detail to describe them and the outcome of the vote. It is not a forum for soap boxing, editorializing or where items are entered into "evidence". Its enough for the minutes to state, "Mr. Sniper asked that the board consider issues >Rule 3: Control the Owner Forum. To encourage owner input, an Owner Forum before the meeting should give each speaker owner up to, say, 5 minutes to speak, so the board can get on with its business. Letting someone hold the board hostage should never be allowed and its up to the president to control such actions. An abusive person should not be allowed to continue for any length of time.

Rule 4: When attacked, respond quickly and firmly. When the attack becomes apparent, its the presidents job to interrupt and, if necessary, ask the attacker to leave the meeting. If the attacker refuses to comply, the president should adjourn the meeting and advise that such conduct will not be allowed at future meetings.

HOA terrorist attacks are designed to fan the flames of emotion and to promote rash response. The board needs to walk the high road and refuse to "dance". While this isnt easy when the attack is intense, the directors outnumber the attacker and with a unified response, should be able to defeat the challenge and even help point the terrorist toward a better way.

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